Equity in Education Scholarships
The Equity in Education application is now Open through April 1,2023
This scholarship fund was established through a partnership between Rise Up Hagerstown, The Hagerstown Area Religious Council, and The Education Foundation of WCPS. The Foundation awards multiple scholarships annually ranging from $1,500 to $5,000 to racially minoritzed students (with preference to African American students) who reside in Washington County, Maryland, and are pursuing a degree in education or a related field.
Scholarships are eligible for renewal until degree is obtained.
This scholarship fund was established through a partnership between Rise Up Hagerstown, The Hagerstown Area Religious Council, and The Education Foundation of WCPS. The Foundation awards multiple scholarships annually ranging from $1,500 to $5,000 to racially minoritzed students (with preference to African American students) who reside in Washington County, Maryland, and are pursuing a degree in education or a related field.
Scholarships are eligible for renewal until degree is obtained.
What the Scholarship Funds Cover: The scholarship amount is determined by the applicant's course load, tuition costs, and/or degree program. Examples of allowable expenses include: